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A Letter To Readers:


When I sat down to work on Race for the Ruby Turtle, I knew I wanted to write a love letter to the Oregon Coast, a story that asked big questions about the relationship between humans and the natural world, and a book that kids might curl up with in the autumn as rain slatted against their bedroom windows. But most of all, I knew I wanted to write a book that reflected a journey I've been on for many years -- a boy learning to accept, live with, and even benefit from the unique, often fascinating, but also occasionally maddening way his brain works.  


In short, I wanted to write a book for kids like me, struggling with ADHD. Not to serve them platitudes about this disorder being a “superpower,” but rather to help them arrive at the place I've finally landed -- where they can take the good and the bad of how their brains operate and come to peace with the balance. Where they too might say: "My brain might be different… It definitely doesn’t always make things easy for me… but I wouldn't trade it." 


Race for the Ruby Turtle is an adventure story. It stars two friends who risk everything to protect a potentially apocryphal reptile. It features two towering Swedes with a hidden agenda and an animal-poaching Texan wielding a very sharp bowie knife. I like to think that it's both funny at certain times and thrilling in others. But its core is a story about self-acceptance, one of the most important journeys a kid (or adult) can ever go on.  


Thank you so much for reading this book and helping me get it into the hands of young people who might enjoy or benefit from its ideas, themes, and heart. I can't wait to share it with you in person!